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Construction, Industrial, Architects


Transportation and Infrastructure We offer over a century of experience In transportation planning, englneerln1 and construction mana1ement, and we are an Industry leader In developln& transportation solutions for the way we wlll llve In the 21st century. Property and Bulldings Our Buildings team has a history or close collaboration with clients, a reputation for dellverlng Innovative solutions to complex problems, leadership In sustainabUlty and a commitment to energy􀆲fficlent design. Water & Environment Our water and environment practice delivers pragmatic, Innovative, and outstanding technlcal solutions to cUents on environmental, compliance, acoustics, vibration and air quality, health and safety, sustainability and energy chaUenges. Energy We provide Industry-leading expertise backed by extensive experience to help our power ud energy clients meet their challenges. Advisory Services Our advisory services practice guides clients to better compete In today's economy by providing a unique combination or Infrastructure e􀈢pertlse and management consulting Jeadenhlp.

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